Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Story of the Diamond Shoppe

  Here is my First story.
The Story of the Diamond Shoppe
By Ibp911

A long, long time ago, A young wolf pup was born. He was born into the wolf pack Aurora Borealis. It was a sweet spring day and rain was beginning to fall when one she-wolf laid down to rest in a grey-skied meadow. A baby was born and was named Greely, which means grey meadow. Greely was a quite adventurous pup, and loved to play fight. His most prized toy was his copper and ebony colored tail armor. The pack traveled a lot, and moved from place to place searching for food and shelter. One day, when Greely was older, and about 2 years old, the pack began to wander off. Greely had forgotten his tail armor! He ran back towards the cave where the  pack had been staying. By the time he reached the cave, he was panting.  By the time he found his tail armor, the pack was gone. Greely traveled in solitary for years, and that is when he found his power. One day, while he was lapping up water, Greely heard sad, upsetting cries. He tracked the sound to a young Artic wolf, who had a deep bleeding gash on her back.She told Greely all about herself. Her name was Clarisse, and she was the same age as Greely. Soon enough, young pups were born, and their names were Ashley and Torros. They were very playful. One day while Greely was off chasing phantoms, Ashley, (or Ashes) And Torros decided to play tag. They chased each other around great oaks, pines and even shops. Ashes and Torros had inherited Greely’s shadow traveling power, and loved to play with it. Ashes was chasing Torros, when suddenly they both knocked into a hard wall. Confused, for it appeared as though nothing was there,The pair tried to run into it again. It was solid. They shadow traveled into the shop, which was dark and only illuminated by torches. They cowered in fear, but then felt a wisker-like tickling sensation brush over them. Feathers. They heard a sharp crow. Suddenly the whole room lit up. A tall heron stood over them. “Hello” She whispered. Her voice sounded like a gushing waterfall. She smiled at them. “Come young pups. No need to fear. I will show you something not many Jamaasians have seen before.” “Jamaasians?” Questioned Torros. “ Who are the Jamaasians?”  The heron smiled. “ First of all, my name is Mira. I am goddess of the sky, and creator of the phantoms.” “You created the phantoms?” Cried Ashley. “ Our brave father has to risk his life because of you! Why would you create such an evil force?” Mira replied, “ I did not mean to. My tears formed the beasts.” “Lets get to the point” said Torros.” Who are the Jamaasians?” Mira waved her wing.” Follow me” Everything went black. Suddenly, Ashley and Torros  were in a large field. “This,” said Mira “Is Jamaa.” Torros laughed. “This is Jamaa?” “This is Jamaa.Your brave father is working hard to save this land. Because one day, millions of Jamaasians will thrive here. But if we do not work hard to save it now, it will be forever gone.”  Suddenly they were all back in the shop. “ Remember all you have learned today.” Instructed Mira. Then she disappeared. “ Ashley! Torros!” Clarrise cried. There were tears in her eyes. “Yes Mommy?” Called the kids. “ Come here. Now.” When they reached their mom, they found Greely. His back was bleeding. He groaned. Clarisse explained,” A phantom. It stung him. Phantom waves are much more powerful then any lightning bolt.”
      Years later, Torros was walking along a creek when he heard a familiar voice. Mira appeared. “Torros...” She whispered. “Torros, come with me.” He had no choice. Soon enough, he was in a bustling street. “Your father.” she said. “Greely. He is of the highly respected form. He was announced an Alpha for his work. An Alpha, you know not of the honors.” They walked through the township. They walked by a small bunny. He was a baby, but it was obvious he was less fortunute. How is it, Torros thought, that artic wolves are striding around with designer skirts while some animals have to suffer. Mira smiled at him. “I have a gift for you.” she said. “I will grant you any wish.” Torros thought hard. He thought about the poor bunny. “I wish there was a currency, a very great currency that could buy the poor items that make the poor not as poor. Call them diamonds, after my father’s birthstone!” “ How will we get so many of the rare stones?” Questioned Mira. “We will grow them on small bushes called Blumberry bushes. We will distribute them. Oh it will be great Mira! Thank You! Thank You!!!” Mira smiled. “ I am sure the Jamaasians will appreciate it.” With a whisk of her wing,
a dome shaped temple-like building appeared. They stepped inside. A clean marble statue of Torros stood. He was in a graceful poze, his leg raised. On the beautiful wooden doors stood a clean etching of Zios. “What is that?” asked Torros. “It is the creator of me. Zios. The most mighty of them all. He used to be my idol. I had feelings for him. When he left, my tears created the phantoms. “
       Years later, the Alphas herded into the Diamond Shoppe. Phantoms had invaded it, and the Alphas chased them down. The battle lasted several days. But by the time the Phantoms died out, many cracks were in the statue.  But after a long time, they were mainly fixed. After thousands of years, the diamond shop finally opened. Jamaasians could become artic wolves just like Clarisse. 
The Diamond Shoppe was finally opened. And even after his passing, Torros never forgot the young bunny, who was now a warrior in the Alpha Clan. The Diamond Shoppe, which was created in a long, interesting and historical way  was a solution for everyone.